Good in Bed?

Friday, November 10, 2006

It seems I've had this discussion a lot with my girlfriends lately and it turns out we all wonder the same thing...

What makes a woman good in bed?

This seems like an easy question, but for the life of us we couldn't exactly figure out what the answer was.

So we ask you men:

if a woman is open to doing absolutely anything (gotta try everything once) does that make her a riot in the sack? What if she'll do/try everything except one thing (like a threesome)...does that mean it's not enough? If a woman isn't open to everything, does that make her a bad lay? Is an open-mind crucial to blowing a man's mind?

How about if she tries stuff on you that you've never had done to you before (and you really like it)? What if you get to teach her new things (and she really likes it)?

Is it about being able to talk freely and honestly about what you expect from your sex-life and visa versa? Is it about making sex a vital and important part of your relationship? Or is it about making sex not such a big deal and just let it happen naturally?

Is it about taking the initiative and always instigating sex? Is it about being vocal (loud)? Is it about being vocal (telling him what you want)? Is it about being flexible (yoga classes that pay off)? Or is it about being flexible (compromising your wants and needs)?

Or does it just come down to enthusiasm?

The funny thing is, when I asked my friends what made a guy good in bed, I got a whole range of different answers, from "being open to sucking on my toes" to "being able to last more than 5 minutes" (she's easy to please) to "letting me go down on him more than he goes down on me" to "being in love with him."

So maybe it just boils down to personal tastes and preferences, for both men and women.

What floats your boat? Sometimes, it's just the other person wanting to know what makes your boat float.
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