Don't leave me alone, I do crazy things!

Monday, November 13, 2006

Like make soup (see left).


It was a slooooow weekend.

Originally it started out as a "Me"ekend. I planned to spend the weekend by myself, catching up on all the things I used to do when I would gladly spend a weekend on my own.

Of course, I reverted back to my old ways of spending too much time (and moolah)on Ebay. And I also woke up one morning and decided I hate my apartment.

Yes, a lot of financial damage was done. Apparently, for me, boredom = money.

I spent an obscene amount of it at this home goods store Homewerx that is just down the street from me. I always look at the store and think, looks funky, but thankfully I don't need any of that. That was, until I decided that my apartment sucks and needed a major overhaul. It's like I live in an IKEA showroom. I needed a few items to spice things up.

I spent over an hour in the store and charged an obscene amount to an empty credit card which I thought I had cut up but actually didn't. No willpower,

The problem is that I kept seeing all these cool things I wanted to buy, and in my madness would have bought, but the fact is I live in a studio apartment. It's one room. I already have tons of furniture, art-work, photos that I would love to put all over the place but I can't, simply because there is no room for them.

Sigh. How cool would it be to have a house and be able to decorate every room...

Anyway, I went back home and spent a solid 6 hours just redoing everything. I organized from top to bottom, put everything I didn't like or need in storage and streamlined the look of the place.

Then Sunday came around and I decided I hated my curtains. I took them down. Now my place actually looks like one big room, whereas the curtains before kind of divided the bedroom and living room. I think they might be going back up tonight (I still hate them though).

Oh yes. And keeping with my domestic bacherlorette duties, I made veggie soup from scratch. I decided that I needed a day of detox and this diet friendly soup was the way to go. My mom used to make it (with cabbage) so I figured why can't I (ignoring the fact that I am a spaz in the kitchen...and the fact that it would be a perfect excuse to buy this adorable little apron from Homewerx).

I ended making a lot of soup. In fact, I made so much that I might just open up a soup kitchen in my apartment. That way, people get to try my tasty soup (I must say, I am impressed at my method of chucking a whole bunch of chopped veggies and spices in a broth and seeing what happens) and people can check out my snazzy place. Providing I know what to do with the curtains first.
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