For Sale in 2010

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Yeah, well I'm jumping the gun a bit here but I've decided I'm going to put my apartment up for sale in 2010. Of course, I have to clear it with my father first since he owns half of it but I'm sure he'll agree. Or, he can just buy it off me! Yeah...

The thing is, I love my apartment. Especially after all the time I spent this weekend making it a chic and livable bachelorette. But I do think if I have to spend more than four years in this place, I will go nuts. That doesn't mean of course that I will actually be living here for the next four years, because hey anything can happen. In that case, I would rent it out and charge an obscene amount for it.

But I also think that the value of the property will peak around the time the Vancover Olympics are held. I'm not sure if selling just before the Olympics or just after is better, but either way I'm gonna make a nice profit. I hope anyway. Mind you, I live downtown and the area I live in will never go down in value since it is the most lusted for. Plus, there's the sea view from my windows and the pool on the roof. Which is rather pointless right now, considering it is filled up with cold rainwater, but shhhh.

The thing is though, when it comes down to it, I don't think I'll be living in Vancouver after 2010. Now, I've had a hard time making five year plans and such, so nothing is ever set in stone, but I just don't feel it. I love Vancouver with all my heart, and it will always be home, which is why I don't feel so bad about leaving it.

I've learned to appreciate it for what it is too, by living in other cities and comparing them. I've lived in Auckland, NZ for over a year, in Sydney, AU for 3 months and Kamloops, BC for 2 years. I've also lived in six different suburbs of Greater Vancouver over my lifetime, so I've seen all facets of it, as well. I know the city as well as anyone can and maybe that's why in 2010 it'll be time for me to leave. Start anew somewhere else, where everything is fresh and waiting.

Another thing is, I don't think I would want to raise my children in this city. Sure, I had happy memories here as a kid. But things just aren't like they used to be. I would want my kids to live in a more simple, safer and less vulgar place...if places like that actually exist.

Of course, that is if I have kids.

And if the kids will survive being raised by me as a mother (I have a feeling I would put Britney Spears to shame). And if I survive having kids (if I'm a bad mother, I can only imagine what terrors my children would be).

Where I'll go, I don't know. But considering my insatiable wanderlust and curiousity it'll probably be outside of Canada. Because if I'm not living in Vancouver (or Victoria, I suppose) I don't want to live anywhere else in this country. What can I say, I love the ocean.

Of course, the way my life works, all of this could change in a Vancouver minute. But since deciding my time here has a deadline, I've felt surprisingly more at peace. The possibilities are endless.

All right, I'm off to get my haircut. I can see how that is going to bode well with the "Heavy Rainfall Warning" that is warning us Vancouverites that an "intense rain system" is going to be moving into the city today and flooding the place (and yet another reason to move).
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