Rain Rain, Go Away...or I will

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

First of all, I would like to reinstate that in my previous post, though I plan to move away from Vancouver by 2010 (if not before then...hey, if you know me, you know I can't stay in one place too long) my goal is not to move in order to have children.

I don't know if I even want children. I, quite frankly, don't like kids and they don't like me. We have an unspoken agreement and it works out great for the both of us. However, if I do change my mind (as some typical baby-hungry females out there have told me I will), I still think I would like to raise my kids somewhere other than here.

That said, how about this rain, huh? For those of you who aren't from Vancouver, you may have heard it rains a lot here. Well, it does and it's been raining so hard for the last few days, I'm pretty sure I saw someone building an ark. It's that bad. Not to mention cold, windy and dark. Brrrrrrr and everything. If only I could go someplace warm and nice like this:

Oh, that's right. I am. I'm catching a plane to Cabo San Lucas at 6:30 tomorrow morning.

Oh, I didn't tell you? Gee, must have slipped my mind. Anyway, I am flying down to Cabo tomorrow in the wee hours of the morning to meet my parents who are already down there...or somewhere near there.

See, some of you may recall that my dad left on his boat down to Mexico a couple months ago. Well, eventually my mother flew down and now I'm going to join them for some fun in the sun (and hopefully not recreate The Perfect Storm...unless Clooney is involved and I really don't think he will be).

I've been to Cabo before and I like it...though it's a bit on the commercial side. I've also been to Puerto Vallarta a few times too.

Well, luckily for me, this time I get to go to both places. Over the course of 16 days I will be flying down to Cabo San Lucas, sailing across the Sea of Cortez to Puerto Vallarta and flying up from there. See my glorious map --->

Anyway, I won't be blogging as much as usual considering I will be on a boat most of the time. But I will blog when I can and promise to keep reading all your blogs. After all, I'm gonna be with my parents for 16 days straight so I'm gonna need some kind of venting outlet. That, and I'll probably come down with a nasty case of Montezuma's Revenge. The plus side of that is that I'll drop of few pounds.

So Adios Amigos! And let me know if you want a postcard. I've included my email in my profile now so I can get harassed more than usual.

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