What do all these beautiful, fit and smokin' hot babes all have in common?

They've all been cheated on by their significant others.

I've always been puzzled as to why a guy would cheat when he has the most beautiful woman in the world.

But maybe that's another beauty myth. Despite being taught that a man won't cheat on you if you take care of yourself, keep fit, wear sexy lingerie and put out once in awhile (or all the time), I'm now starting to think that what we've been taught is bogus.

Of course, I don't know why these women have to pick such jerks anyway. I mean, Charlie Sheen? Ethan Hawke? I could have seen those ones coming.

Could it be that maybe all these women are really insecure bitches and are terrible at relationships? Maybe Liz Hurley is a self-absorbed monster, maybe Halle Berry is devastingly insecure, maybe Uma Thurman doesn't put out enough...there has to be some reason why these men found these women to be "not enough."

Then she found love again, with that annoying, weasel-faced English singer James Blunt. It didn't last long. She's dumped him cuz he's been cheating on her with numerous other chicks. Most of which seem to be ugly hoes (remember Hugh Grant's hooker?). I just don't understand the logic here. Why, not only, betray the one you 'love' but downgrade yourself at the same time?
Meh. It's all Greek to me.