Live to Work or Work to Live

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

I'm struggling a bit with money at the moment. My lifestyle and my salary don't mesh very well. And it's not even like I have an extravagant lifestyle...I eat and...that's pretty much it. OK, occasionally I buy make-up or books or whatever. But it pisses me off that even though I do that, I can't afford to.

Once again, my bank balance is in the negative. After paying my shitload of bills and stupid fucking mortgage, I don't have enough to eat lunch today. Which is fine in a sense because it will help me lose weight but sucky cuz the menu today is really, really good. Steak and Prawns! Beef Wellington! Hoisin Chicken! *drool*

At my last job, I got paid $200 more a week. It was fantastic. That extra $200 week let me spend (within reason) without worrying about having enough in my account for my mortgage.

But the thing about that was...I hated my job. I mean, I would wakeup each morning and want to cry because I had to go to work. I had constant stomach pains. I was always worried how I was going to be insulted or how badly was I going to be belitted. But I stuck with the job because it paid well and was in the field of my degree (journalism).

Now I'm at a short-term job in a completely unrelated field and I'm barely $3 over minimum wage. I can't afford to do any of the things I've grown accustomed to over the years and I'm always stressed about money. Yet, I get up each morning without a thought about going to work (except for the commute and the fact that my bed is warm and cozy). I feel good about going to work in a place that the people are friendly, no one looks down on me and I have zero stress. And unlike my previous job, I don't take this job home with me.

So what's better? A job you hate but pays well? OR a job you don't mind and the pay sucks?

I know my dream job would be one that I would not only love to do but that I would get paid well at the same time (and when I say well, I don't mean a lot...just enough to survive and have fun). But until that happens, I think I'm going to have to go with the latter.

I may be concerned more about money. But atleast I'm happier overall.
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