An update on a previous post about being happy with a job that pays less:
What about having NO job that pays NOTHING?
Such is my current occupation.
That's right. As of today I am unemployed and no longer working for EA or anything remotely related to the NBA, Playstation, Nintendo Wii or Xbox.
I got the call last night. I noticed that my phone had 5 voice messages and though I was reluctant to check them at 12 o'clock at night, Ross convinced me otherwise.
I'm glad he did, because one of the messages was from the temp agency:
"I'm sorry to do this over the phone but EA has canceled the contract. This is way things go sometimes, sorry about the short notice and remember, don't come in to work tomorrow."
Mmmhmmm. My first thought was to laugh (and I think I did) because I sooooo saw this coming. Not only were two friends of mine let go over the weekend (along with about 50 other temps), but the non-temps on our team were being moved to the Champions League footy game. So, I asked my supervisor, "What about NBA for PS3?"
He gave me a reluctant look and then said, "Uh, I have no idea. We may have to downsize."
Well, I knew what downsize meant when you are dealing with temps. It didn't help that yesterday I surfed the net for 6 hours because we had nothing else to do.
Then at lunch, I mentioned to my co-worker Kass (ex-coworker, sob) that I had a feeling I would be the next to go.
And there you have it. I have been laid off. And although I knew our contract was only for 6 weeks, and this was the 6th week, we had also been told that they wanted us to extend our contracts till November. So, whatever.
What makes me sorta upset though is the short notice. Not even a weekend to mull it over, but a late call on the night before? So sudden, so final? What if I had left my Journalism coffee mug there as I was doing days before? What if I left my sweater or whatever? Knowing the security, there is no way I would be allowed back in. What if I was counting on this job to survive (oh wait, I am)? What if I wanted to say goodbye to co-workers and to the nice French chef at the cafeteria? I never got a chance to say goodbye to the food!
What I did walk away with though, was a discounted Fifa 07 game for Playstation 2, which I shall be playing today, as I stay over at my boyfriends house and ponder what to do with myself. I know it feels so weird to be staying in bed and doing a whole load of nothing when usually I'm hard at work (fine, maybe not "hard" at work, but at work nontheless).
So now, I'm out of a job. This is good because I knew I wouldn't be working in Novmeber anyway (correspondance courses to finish, and travels) but bad because it would have been nice to at least get a few more paychecks.
Meanwhile, I'm at Ross's, whom I think is afraid that he left me unattended, running amouck in his place and getting up to mischief. I'm too confused at my current situation to get up to any mischief though.
Unless, running around with a pair of his boxers on my head can be considered mischief.
On a sentimental note, here is a photo of my winning team during our sports day a few weeks back.