Sunshine daisies, butter mellow

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

After promising an onslaught of posts the sun came out and I gave up blogging in favour of lying in the grass all day, playing tennis and softball, and generally lazing about. That and I rediscovered video games. If you follow me on twitter you will have also seen that my camera is now out of order, a pin in the CF slot bent and snapped, so I'm relying on old material for the foreseeable future. I'll just have to revert to film for the time being, which is less conducive to good outfit posts. Might also create an instagram account to satisfy my need for digital photos until my baby is cured, when I do the link will go up in the (new!) sidebar.

These photos are from late July, shortly before I left on my holiday. The main purpose of these pictures is to show off my newest sewing creation; another two piece dress! The top was already on my list of things to make but when I found a fresh pile of old sheets waiting for me at home I whipped up a matching skirt too. The skirt is a basic panelled circle skirt, much like the blue one that has appeared on this blog several times. I wrote an old tutorial for it but if demand were high enough (hint hint) I may rewrite it with better pictures and instructions. The top is a sheer cotton that I bought for £1 a yard in East London (I found the best place to buy fabric. EVER.) It's just a simple shape that works with the bow at the front or the back, finished with custom bias binding from the same fabric (that hates to be pressed). The flowers are made from a polyester that I cut into circles and then melted the edges to look like petals. I made about 50 flowers which is 100 circles and I did the melting in the height of the summer heat (because I'm really stupid, that's why). To finish off the flowers I attached them to the top with a fake pearl button in the centre of each one, like reverse daisies.

For these photos the combination of hay bales and straw hat made my feel like a true country bumpkin so I waltzed around as though I'd just come from a local barn dance. (Although I'm so dreadfully shy that I doubt I'd ever set foot anywhere near one if they did exist.) The end result was a little silly, though you can't take yourself seriously all the time can you?

Skirt and top//handmade    sunglasses//thrifted vintage    hat//old from home

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