You win some, you lose some

Monday, July 25, 2011

First off, let's talk about this amazing building behind me. It's a Catholic school on the way to our church. I can't believe something this grandiose exists in Portland. We weren't sure if we were trespassing by taking these pictures (we even parked in their parking lot) and at one point Josh looked horrified and said, "Oh no! There's a bunch of nuns coming towards us, and they look angry!" Of course I turned around to look, and of course he was joking. He said he would have kept taking pictures, though, while the nuns kicked us off the property.

This is another vintage dress that I love but for the length. I'm thinking about chopping a few inches off the bottom. What I wish I could get rid of is the odd lumpy bit of fabric that sticks up around my stomach. I don't know what causes it, but it just looks awkward. When I asked Josh what he thought I should title this post, he suggested "Catholic schoolgirl with a third boob." Unfortunately, the bunchy fabric really does look like I have a third boob in some of these pictures. Oh well - you win some, you lose some, right? Awesome backdrop: win. Third boob: lose.

Dress: vintage
Shoes: Jessica Simpson Dany platforms from Macy's
Belt: thrifted from Rerun
Necklace: B. Lee Designs

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