
Monday, July 18, 2011

Apparently all those episodes of Project Runway that I have "forced" Josh to watch with me have really done a number on him. On Saturday, when I put on a chunky blue necklace with this dress and asked what he thought, he said, "I think you should go with earrings instead. Keep it simple. You don't want to cover up the drapey neckline on that dress." I guess I have my own personal Tim Gunn-esq stylist now, which is cool. And he was right about the necklace. Husband knows his stuff.

I wore this dress to my cousin's baby shower on Saturday. The irony is that it's actually a maternity dress. Darn you, Target, and your endless clearance racks that aren't clearly marked as maternity. I picked it up, took it into the fitting room, and only then realized that it was maternity. But I tried it on, loved it, and bought it anyway, because I honestly couldn't figure out what made it maternity in the first place. The stretchy waist? But tons of my dresses and skirts have stretchy waists - does this mean I own a crapload of maternity clothes without even knowing it? At least I'll be covered if I'm ever pregnant.

Dress: Target
Heels: Lulu's
Belt: thrifted from Goodwill
Earrings: B. Lee Designs
Bracelet: gift from husband, from Kanelstrand

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