Weekly Money Check-Up: Sept. 27 - Oct. 3

Monday, October 4, 2010

1. The most I’ve spent this last week was on a delicious Greek feast for J & I, $30.

2. Today I feel excited about money. Tomorrow is pay-day!

3. Money can’t buy happiness. One free/inexpensive thing I did last week that made me happy was take a BodyPump class for the first time at Goodlife Fitness. ( I won a free 2 week membership :) )

4. I will consider this week a success if I cook dinner every night and DO NOT order out. I'm currently living at home and have been spoiled by my mother & grandmother, but now they're in Italy for 3 weeks! Time to be responsible.

5. The TV show I am most excited about this season is Cougar Town :) I freaking love Courtney Cox.

6. Other frivolous spending this week included: $30 on a Scouts Canada donation (how in the heck can you say no to co-workers?!), and 2 pairs of shoes.... which I was actually refunded $100 after those purchases because I returned my beloved LeCaros.... I know, I know, they were gorgeous... but it made me feel guilty spending that much on a trendy pair of boots... and when I found their replacement at a fraction of the price I could justify my purchase even less. I'll debut them soon, I promise.

Weekly Money Check-Up is a weekly feature courtesy of My Pretty Pennies.
Image via Marie Claire Magazine.

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