Marching On

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Yes, I've been a bad blogger and far too caught up in this this crazy thing I lovingly refer to as my life. Oh, and I couldn't move for a few days due to over-exertion at the gym. Yes, I am dumb.
BUT! I have been sticking to my challenge, so here's Day 4!

vest - F21 (2009)
dress - Ricki's (2007)
wedges - Aldo (gift, bday 2010)

Now that I'm looking at these pictures, I have NO IDEA why I never wear this dress. It's a super cute basic. I bought it for a company Christmas party ages ago, and had it in my mind that it was more of a holiday/party dress.... clearly this is not the case at all and it will definitely be brought out more often!

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