Salt Spring Island Polaroid Diary

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Days two and three on Salt Spring Island I decided to capture with the help of my iPhone's Hipstamatic app for some low-key retro-ish prints. As most of you know, I try and go every year on the boat and have been going for 28 years... it is my second home in a weird way. So I figured, might as well capture it differently than usual...

A venture cross island to Fulford Harbour

Playground fun

Lavender at a winery

Garry Oaks Winery - mid island

Yummy tastings

Ever-present sheep

And orchards

View of Vancouver Island from Mount Maxwell

Winery way down below

Forest snake

Sunset deer walks

Mug of wine is a deer walk requirement

They do cross near the signs!

Dusk on the water

Relaxing in the old Yacht Club Club House after dark

My mom on the boat

Taking the zodiac to the creepy lagoon

Taking the motor up because of the creepy, close bottom

Rowing past hidden ledges of starfish

Dead trees

Taking the small ferry home

Ferry Party in Active Pass

Loading off the ferry in Tsawwassen, coming home

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