So I'm a Little Behind...

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Another day, another dollar. Well at least I have the blogosphere to entertain me!
So you're going to have outfit overload for the next couple days. During the 30 for 30 I got a little behind in my posting and and now I still have outfits from last week that I never shared! So these are both older photos, but still good!
I just got these fabulous new heels from Spring and I had to incorporate them into an outfit right away. I'm not sure if they're work appropriate... maybe with pants or my cropped trousers? What do you think?
I love my job but in some ways I hate how it limits my creativity when I'm getting dressed... I have a few things that are definitely iffy in terms of appropriateness... and I don't want anyone to give me any sideways glances just yet.

cardigan - Urban Planet (2009)
tee - H&M (2009)
bf jeans - Guess (2010)
heels - Spring (2010)

tee - Dynamite (2010)
pencil skirt - Smart Set (2010)
necklace - Smart Set (2009)
flats - Dune (Thrifted 2009)

I've had this pair of flats for a while now, but I don't bring them out too often. They're made of pony hair so they're kind of delicate... that and they sometimes make farting noises when I walk lol.

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