Numbah Five!

Friday, July 16, 2010

Tuesday was my day off and apparently I was feeling silly... so get ready for some random poses. haha.

Worn Tues, July 13th:

6 + 18 + 19 + 26
beads - Smart Set

I can't believe I'm only at #5 and wearing #8 today... some of the girls are at 12! and 14! And it looks like they don't repeat ANYTHING! It looks like I will need to up my capsule skills in the next challenge and maybe integrate some dresses...

As for the job front, I've been looking elsewhere, so we'll see what happens. I'm actually waiting to hear back from an accounts receivable job in the near future... I know it may sound boring, but I do want to be an accountant after all! So keep your fingers crossed for me!
I've told my managers how I feel and though they're sad to see me go, they understand. Retail isn't for everyone. I will miss the girls (and the discount!) horribly though... but I guess that's what facebook is for!

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