Joining the Brigade & outfit #1

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Dressing for work has really put a damper on my creativity and dressing-freedom. I'm only allowed to wear Smart Set clothing, and I don't have that many pieces yet, (it HAS only been three weeks!). So I've decided it's time to put a more positive spin on things and consider it a capsule.
I've compiled 30 pieces (including shoes) that I will rework 30 ways. So yes, you've guessed it, I'm joining Kendi's 30 for 30! Like hers, accessories do not count, and I probably will not post every day as I DO get days off work (thank god!) and there are bound to be a few repeats, but I will try my very best, and who knows? I may even get more than 30 out of it!

I'll post details on my capsule later on this week, but for now here's outfit #1:

Worn Wed, July 7th... or close to it:

cardi - Dynamite (2007)
blouse - Smart Set (2010)
pants - Smart Set (2010)
red wedges - Steve Madden (2006)
skinny belt - Costa Blanca (2007)

In the future (once I've outlined the items in my capsule) I will only include the number each item refers to and accessory details as I'm sure this will get incredibly repetitive!

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