Inspired By: The Beatles

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Every week I am planning on showcasing outfits inspired by some of my favourite bands and movies. Film and music have always inspired my thoughts and as a result of that they have often inspired my clothing choices. Film often gets the upper hand ( I can name a lot of films - mainly classic - off the top of my head that make me yearn for certain clothes) but music also influences the way I dress.

This week I am inspired by The Beatles.

Of course if I wanted to, I could actually be inspired differently by each of my favourite songs...wild rockin' hippie for Helter Skelter, Poppy bright colours for Lady Madonna, Pretty and somber for Yesterday, Romantic for Something, Joyful and preppy for I Just Saw a Face...

However this outfit feels like it spans the Beatles across all decades. It's Whimsical and Mod yet Dark with a hint of Pomp and Circumstance. Do you agree?

Tuxedo Coat (which I've dubbed the Sgt Pepper Coat): Dolce and Gabbana; horse print dress: Ruby Rocks; Beatle boots!: Christian Louboutin; Tights: H&M; dice earrings: ASOS; tree necklace: from my friend Jess for Xmas, pretty sure it's from a cool shop called Front and Main in Vancouver

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