Queen of Williamsburg part II

Saturday, October 25, 2008

[ photo from NY Mag]

I had the chance to ask the lovely Leonora Russo a few questions about her style inspiration. Leonora can be spotted around Williamsburg in her signature shades and awesome apparel. Click Here to read an article from New York Magazine, where she describes her role as a neighborhood activist and read our interview below:

What are your style inspirations?
My Mother loved to pamper us. She told us to dress up no matter what and look neat. Don't wait until you are in a coffin to wear beautiful things. My mother lived to be 100 years old and never wore makeup.

Do you always wear sunglasses?
Yes, I have a lot of pairs, Gucci, Versace, Ferregamo. They are very stylish. It just does something to a person.

Where do you find your clothes?
I go around anywhere and if I see something I like that is comfortable, I like it, I buy it.

What do you think about the way today's youth dresses?
I have a more young way of thinking. My mother said always look young and be positive.

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