Friday Whines

Friday, February 6, 2009

This picture is just to ensure you that I am not all bitterness, snails and puppy dog tails. It's Friday, I'm exhausted but happy and made even more so by this snazzy new dress that I wore yesterday.

It's from ASOS, my store du jour, though I did acquire this one via Ebay to save on costs. I heart this dress so much. I find it immensely flattering for my body as the sleeves skim my arms and the open scoopneck emphasizes my bust and the bones in my chest (I love having a bony chest, not really on others, but on me...dont know why!). Wearing this while preparing pasta for my man later made me feel like a modern, blonde Sophia Loren. There is something very sexy about it in a "barefoot peasant in 1950's Sicily, collecting olives" kinda way.

Oh and finally, patterned tights that I love - subtle and slimming, Aristoc

Also from ASOS (but came in with an actual order) are my satin grey leopard print ballet flats, Hannah Makes Things necklace and some cool exotic looking ring - I gravitate towards Middle-Eastern jewelry once warm weather hits and I thought this ring would be a good starting point. Yellow cherry earrings from F21 sealed the deal.

I'll leave you with that goofy, happy face of mine fresh in your heads while I start this week's tirade:

***The scale has not budged. I have been working out like a madwoman for 3 weeks now, watching what I eat, counting calories etc and the scale shows ZILCH. I'm still 138. By the laws of physics and food in VS food out, I should have lost at least 3 pounds, if not 6. But I have not.

Yes, muscle weighs more than fat. And I know I do build muscle quickly but really? THAT quickly?

It's discouraging, lemme tell you, but my boyfriend insists he sees a difference...and I do too. I just hope we aren't looking for something that's not there. Regardless, I will continue running and spinning and eating less because I refuse to let this beat me.

***I hate it when you are at the gym and some guy comes over and corrects your form. If I wanted advice, I'd ask for advice. I can understand if I was doing something dangerous but when the gym's personal trainer ain't saying anything, it's safe to say I don't need YOUR tips.

***This might sound odd, but seeing skinny chicks at the gym just pisses me off. It's like you're all humouring me or something cuz clearly you don't need to be here. One girl in my spin class had thighs the size of my upper arm. No kidding. What the hell is she doing in a class that burns off all the calories she had that day? I can understand the skinny chicks who do the strength training but hard-core cardio? Come on!

***Speaking of, it bugs me when women go to the gym, hog the treadmill or elliptical, whip out their magazine and calmy pedal/run away without breaking a sweat. If you're gonna work out, you need to sweat, you can't be afraid of it. I literally have a puddle beside me when I'm done my workouts and my face is as red as a cliche - I know I've gotten a workout but I feel so gross next to all these women who don't even glisten.

***I hate it when my CEO asks me to do stupid mundane tasks. He's not my boss. He just happens to see a pretty young girl in the office next to him and assumes I am his secretary or something. I am not. I work in marketing, I am not an executive assistant. And yet here I am printing out attachments for him - doesn't it take more effort to attach the document and send to me to print than to just print it yourself from your own printer? Oh, and then have me replace the ink cartridges in your said dinky Cannon printer because you don't know how. You're 50! Learn! And while your at it, stop placing your newspaper in my office after you are done reading it - do I look like the recycling bin?

***Then there is the new guy at work. Some guy in IT or accounting who stares at me all the time. And I mean S*T*A*R*E*S. Like I'm in the coffee room and he's just standing there, staring at me. Waiting for me to make eye contact. But I don't.

Then he starts walking by my office...I'm at the end of an L-shape, beside a door that leads to a part of the office he has no business going in. And yet over the last few days he has found a reason to go out of his way and down my end of the office....14 times! And each time he slows down by my desk - stares - and hesitates. Then he either turns around or goes through the door and does a loop that sends him back to his desk. I still refuse to look up because I feel that's all he is waiting for.

And I was right because when I left work yesterday, I went through the mail room and he was standing at the end. The minute he saw me his face lit up like it was freakin' Christmas morning. I smiled quickly back and him and kept on moving. I admit I felt a little bad that I did not return the same quality of smile, which would have been something like this:

Instead it probably looked like this:

*** Two of my boyfriend's friends have these relatively new girlfriends who are 19. I'm 27. There is actually a huge difference between the ages, one that I was not aware of when I was 19. Even though they are very sweet girls (one in particular) they are still just so obviously YOUNG. On the plus side, they act their age and aren't pretending to be older...well, they weren't at first. But on the negative side, I get texts from them saying things like: HI LADY! Letz all go to the museum friday nite! adults only we can drink!!!! TOTALLY fun times, how bout it sexy thang???

Me: I'm broke and not drinking still so I have to pass

Her: That is SO lame!!!!!!! You TOTALLY need to come out more often GIRL! We need to have some fun!!!!! OK!!!! KISSES!!!!!! Smell you lator Bitch! XOXOXO


***This Jessica Alba article I just read from Elle:

It wasn't easy for Jessica Alba to lose the baby weight.

"[The workouts] were horrible," Alba -- who dropped the weight for her Campari calendar shoot -- tells February Elle. "I cried. And I haven't worked out since."

See photos from Jess' sexy Campari shoot.

Giving birth to daughter Honor last June was less difficult, she says.

"Contractions aren't that bad. If you've ever had bad cramps? That's what they're like," she says. "But that moment when they put the baby on your chest – that's deep. It's a deep experience."

See photos of some famous celeb post-baby bods.

Being apart from the eight-month old is hard, she admits.

"This is the first time I've been away from her. It's been six days. It sucks; it's the worst thing ever. But we Skype, so I can see her on video. The worst is when you can see her little chubby hands grab the screen, and I'm not there" she says, wiping away tears. "That's a new thing – I never cried before. Just being a mother is making me a big, weepy mess."

So she's NEVER cried before. God forbid. But she is crying now because HER WORKOUTS ARE HARD! OH MY GOD SHE ACTUALLY HAD TO WORK HARD TO LOSE WEIGHT!????

Fucking get a grip you shallow-headed idiot. I work out, really hard, and I've never cried over that. But I have cried because my dog's died, because my heart has been broken, because I'm stressed, because I've been fired, because I've felt lost, people have died, people are sick, etc.

And say that labour was just like bad cramps. Now, I'm hoping I'll never have to go through labour (not wanting kids and all) BUT I know that that shit ain't pretty and is pretty fucking painful.


Anyway that's the end of my rant - felt good to get it off my chest. Hope you all have a swell weekend.

OH and before I forget, ASHLEIGH you won the tights!!! Email me your info so I can mail them to you :)
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