*Coming home to a clean place (though the act of cleaning does not make me smile)
*Planning things - whether it be a Beer Tasting class, dance lessons with a friend, road trips and upcoming travels (ahem, like to Italy)
*Going into a bookstore - I could spend hours in them
*Having a place to call all my own
*Reading about a foreign country and picking out the best reasons why I should go visit this place - and then think about how cool it will sound to say, "Im going to Ulaambaatar next year"
*Looking at my bookshelf and realizing I have tons of great books just waiting for me
*Drinking a beer in the sun
*Being on the boat - doesn't matter if it's rainy outside or winter or if I am in the middle of the Sea of Cortez and gagging for land
*When a friend does something thoughtful (like send you a funny card when they know you are feeling blue)
*Sleeping in on a Saturday when you know you have the whole weekend still ahead of you
*Long weekends
*Dogs. Any kind. Puppies especially. I will squeal
*Being on the back of a horse
*A fresh breeze ruffling my hair
*No line up at Starbucks (or indeed any place)
*A thunderstorm or windstorm
*Lesley Neilsen
*Finding new TV shows to love
*Looking through photo albums
*Going to new restaurants
*Exploring new neighbourhoods
*Finding a piece of clothing that you know no one else will have
*Taking photographs
*Audrey Hepburn movies
*Writing scripts/novels especially when I get to the point where I could just keep going and going - this is when my heart truly soars and I feel whole
*Having faith
*Seeing people who are truly in love and thus being reminded that it does exist
*Plotting where to travel to in the coming years
*A big, new, thick...magazine
*Days when I realize it's OK that I am not perfect, and OK to be me the way I am
*Trying on a dress that makes me feel like an angel
*Fitting in to an old pair of (skinny) jeans
*A fragrant, warm breeze on a calm, dark night
*Taking off my bra
*The first time of the year when you put on flip-flop/sandals/jandals/thongs
*Finding money you didn't know you had in random places
*The warm glow from windows in the night
*A head-bobbing Bill Cosby
*Waking up early, thinking you have to go to work and then remembering it's the weekend and you can sleep as long as you want
*Watching the previews before a movie in the theatre
*Grocery shopping for the night's dinner you have planned
*Light snow falling at night
*Looking at pictures of palm trees, a white beach and cool, clear aquamarine water - and imagining what it would be like to there
*An appreciative smile from a cute guy
*A free drink (or free anything really)
*Having a radio play your song request
*Going out for Breakfast (especially IHOP, yum)
*A nice, juicy mango
*An unexpected compliment
*A full tank of gas
*Summer dining on a patio
*Finishing a crossword puzzle
*Quoting or having someone quote Friends, The Simpsons, Airplane... (Pivot!)
*Having coffee and reading the paper outside in early morning sunlight
*Finally seeing results of a workout
*Having friends who appreciate how silly I am
*The sound of a dog slurping water out of a bowl
*The first Eggnog Latte of the year
*My Homer Simpson slippers
*Reminiscing over old memories
*Fluffy warm towels right out of the dryer
*Xmas songs
*Seeing candid photos of yourself
*The Simpsons Halloween Specials
*Finding people who love the same quirky things as you (ie, Mystery Science Theatre, Paul Simon, etc)
*Last-minute plans
*Getting to McDonalds in time for an Egg McMuffin
*A fresh sheet of bubble wrap
*Watching funniest animal videos
*The sound of lawn sprinklers
*My ability to see the bright side in everything
*Finding out that I was charged/paid too much on something and getting credited
*Making people laugh
*Getting the best seat on an airplane/bus/train and having no one sit next to you
*To be proud of how far I have come in my 25 years - and to know my life is just getting started
Sorry it was so long, but honestly I could go on and on - and hey, you know what, that can't be a bad thing, can it? I hope you too find things that make your face shrink up with glee (see below).