Meaning, I was born blonde, had light blonde hair until I was 12 and even now my natural color is that ashy, blah color - still blonde though but dull as dishwater. Of course, the hair color I have now is fake but I am truly a blonde genetically, if not at heart.
Apparently though, I am also a brunette. Being a blonde you get to be the brunt of all the blonde stereotypes, ei; you are flaky, dumb, stupid, an airhead etc. Brunettes are always seen as the smarter, reponsible, dependable types.
I fight the blonde stereotype all the time. Maybe because I have an impish face, or that I am of short stature or that I have curves. But people LOVE to assume I am an idiot.
I know, of course, I am not an idiot. Yes, I can be a major flake at times but that is due to just not paying attention. I also forget a lot of things (but surprisingly, remember the random or significant, personal stuff). I do know I am smart, I have a lot of knowledge of odd things that I like to unleash on people - I used to impress my last boyfriend with this all the time. Maybe it's because I used to read all the World Book Encyclopedias from front to back when I was a wee lass.
Anyhoo, lots of people in university and high school thought I was setting myself up for failure by doing things at the last minute. Here we have a blonde who also slacks off and doesn't get anything done until a deadline is breathing down her neck. Didn't look like a very smart equation to some.
Now you all know I love to do things at the last minute because it is the only way to get things done. I have been given half lectures on, "maybe your work would be better if you didn't do things at the last minute" - but you know what, I don't have to do better work. Sure, if I spent the time, maybe I would have gotten an A in International Media or I could do it with minimal effort at the last minute and get a B. I tend to pick the latter. I'm lazy.
So, as you know, I felt some "procrastinator's revenge" when I completed my Early Modern European History course.
I asked for one extension and never used it.
I finished a 5-month course in 5 days. A HISTORY course, to boot. While working full-time, no less.
During those 5 days I read 4 dry history text books, sheets of notes and excerpts, and wrote 3 essays. Oh, and a three-hour exam.
It. Was. Brutal.
I swore that I would never do anything last minute again and I sat in worry, wondering how badly I botched the whole course.
"As long as I pass, as long as I pass," I kept muttering it over and over like a mad woman.
Then yesterday I got my mark in the mail....
I got an A.
Like I said before, if God wants me to stop doing things at the last minute, he really, really should stop rewarding me like this.