First things first.
I finally gave into Facebook.
Over the last wee while, I had been getting friend requests from various people. I ignored them, dutifully.
That is, until I read an article in the Globe and Mail, about how Facebook isn't just for the youngins. So then I figured, hell if these journalists are on Facebook, perhaps I should be too.
I mean, it's not MySpace - which, sorry, I will never join....probably because I have a blog in which to pimp myself out on and that takes up enough of my time - and now that time will become even more precious as Facebook
Seriously, last night, the hours just flew by, especially when I discovered the whole checking out people you went to high school with. Who was still hot? Who got fat? Who had kids? Who looks the same? Etc...
And then this mornings, the reprocussions of Facebook settled in.
Apparently this thing sends an email to EVERYONE in your email accounts. That's a lot of people.
Now people I haven't talked to in years are popping up, psycho ex-boyfriends whom I thought I would never hear from again (and with good reason), people I worked with once upon a time.
It's nuts.
And it's now another thing to distract me from work. Not that I need it, but man do I love being distracted from things I should be doing.
Below is the infamous picture of my leap in Kakadu National Park, Australia, in 2001.

If you want the recap, listen to my BlogTalkRadio interview (link on the previous post). Otherwise, know that I will be posting the full-version of this story on this blog or my travel one sometime soon. And know that for someone with a fear of heights, leaping over a hundred foot deep chasm was one of the scariest things I have ever done!
Ever faced your fears?