That is what my Trainer/Bootcamp leader/Yeller told me on Friday.
I talked with him after class, expressing my growing concerns about my growing waistline.
After hearing that I had lost 18 pounds last year by NOT excercising and by going on the South Beach Diet, he informed me that I most likely lost a bit of fat and a lot of muscle. By doing so, I slowed my metabolism and all the weight I have gained back (about 10 in total) has been in the form of fat.
Now my body is freaking out because I truly am packing on the muscle. I’m just not losing fat at the same rate, therefore I am getting bigger and gaining more weight. It will, however, eventually start to budge.
He told me to keep working out, perhaps try fitting in more if I can and to make sure I am eating the right things. Good carbs, fats and protein, basically The Zone diet. Everything in moderation and often.
I’m not a moderate person by nature, I am more an all or nothing type of gal.
So, I wonder if this will be the downfall of my existence. Yesterday, I came across my old “teacher, mother, secret lover:”
For those of you unlucky enough to never have been to New Zealand or Australia, Tim Tams are like the national food of yummyness.
These chocolatey biscuits (a lighter version of the UK’s Penguins) are part and parcel of what lead to my weight gain when I got back from my first trip Downunder. And probably the second trip too.
I went nuts for these things. I ate them with coffee, slurping the liquid through the bitten off ends of the biscuit. I ate them in the morning and at night. I even started the “Tim Tam Diet” (patent pending) in which I allocated one box of Tim Tams to eat per day. The downside of the diet is that you are only allowed to eat the one box and nothing else. But I found that if you are really craving those highly caloric brown beauties that the best thing to do is eat the whole pack until you are so sick of them that you wont want one for at least a month.
Tim Tams haven’t been available in Canada…until now.
I was grocery shopping with Ross at the President’s Choice Superstore yesterday when low and behold I came across a huge Tim Tam display.
I think a few tears came to my eyes. I immediately cried out a bunch of garbled, happy obscenities and lunged at the packages of biscuits.
Thankfully, my trainer/bootcamp leader/yeller’s words resounded in my head, “Everything in moderation.’
And I only grabbed two packs.
I could barely wait until I was in the car to munch down one.
And then two (biscuits, not packages).
And then I felt sick. Huzzah.
Turns out that the Tim Tams didn’t really taste as good as I had remembered. Maybe you have to be on foreign soil to truly enjoy them? Regardless, it provided me with a nice flashback to my years in OZ/NZ.
Now all I need is Kylie Minogue playing on rotation with Madison Avenue and a steeming cup of Milo.