Lost is on tonight and in honour of the great show - that despite having lost a few fans, still has its heart in the right place. At least, I am telling myself that. At any rate I'm giving it till the end of this season to impress me like it did during its glorious first season - I have decided to post these exclusive and very candid photos of Evangeline Lily, Dom Monaghan and some random dude, getting their drink on in a limo and in a bar in Hawaii, during their first season on the show. These are from Evangeline Lily's private collection...and don't ask me how I got them ;) And if you wish to use these photos yourself, just lemme know (I'm looking at you, Perez Hilton).
If you could see candid drunk photos from any other show, what show would it be?
PS, If Perez Hilton is reading this, I would like to pose this question: Since Paris Hilton was arrested for violating her DUI probation last night, how come you don't blog about that? How come you never have anything negative to say about possibly the most overrated and negative person out there? Me thinks you have been handsomely paid off by Paris herself, which explains why everytime she does something stupid, racist, illegal, mean, dicey, you never ever write about it. You want to be the "top" of the gossip game? Perhaps you should try being a little impartial and start blogging about everything that makes the news, not just those stories that only put her in a good light. Which is probably why you never mention her anymore...
Gah, there is too much gossip about that stupid beyatch, anyway. I found it interesting that the AP (Associated Press) is now trying to cut back on any useless (and it's all useless) Paris Hilton news on the wire.