Today is a very special day indeed, for two reasons...
First of all (and most importantly) it is Ross's Birthday.
That's right, the Scotsman is now 28 years old. WOW...what a senior citizen he is! Only two more years left of his twenties and then BLAMO! He's thirty! End of the world! The beginning of boring adulthood, mortagage payments, prostate exams, receeding hairlines, back pain, dentures, adult diapers and the like.
I kid. Not only is 28 a great badge of honour but Ross is sure to wear it well. Now, I lack old pictures of him that I could embarass him with so I figured I'll just post some new ones here, ones that some up every facet of his 28 years of life. That should be embarassing enough, right? Anyway, without further ado, here is my tribute to Ross and all that he is:
It's also the birthday of my Blog. That's right, I started Anywhere But Here exactly one year ago! And what a long crazy trip it's been. Thanks to all for reading my usually meaningless jabber and I hope this continues on to the next year. Would it help if I promise to post more pics of drunk college girls?
Happy Birthday Ross and Blog!