It's The Most Wonderful Time of the Year...

Thursday, January 18, 2007


Just kidding, it's Christmas, of course.

Now before I go on about my Christmas, even though yes, it was almost a month ago, I must stress that I've experienced a whole range of Xmas's in my lifetime.

I've spent Christmas Eves alone while a family member has gotten too drunk (and not in a funny 'haha' way) and had to be rescued. I've spent Christmas alone in my big house while my parents were off galavanting in Mexico. I've spent Xmas with my Aunt in Sydney, which was nice since I got to go to the beach later with a cute boy and eat prawns for Xmas dinner. I've spent more than a few Christmases in other warm places such as Palm Springs, Hawaii and Mexico...all complete with tinseled palm trees. I've had Christmas dinners at friends houses because I was too pissed off at my own family to spend it at mine. I've had Christmas in Norway which was way cool since we got to cut down our own Xmas tree.

But I've never had Christmas at a boyfriend's house, and certainly not one in Scotland.

Xmas started when I woke up at 530 AM to see Ross getting dressed. Since we had been drinking the night before, it kind of shocked me to see him up so early. I mean, crazy early. Surprisingly, I was sort of awake as well. But I ignored it and went back to sleep until about 7 AM.

This is when I was roused by my jetlag and decided to go downstairs and see what he was up to in the wee hours. Ross by this time had been awake for awhile and had already done a load of laundry. His parents were just getting the preperations for the day started and force-fed me coffee while his dad exclaimed, "Getting up at 530 to do laundry...what have you done to our son?"

I had no answer to that so I just paid attention to the dog.

Now I had heard rumours that Cat is usually the one who gets up early on Xmas morning and runs around waking everyone up. Ross got to take that roll this year and did so with glee. I believe he may have shouted in a few people's ears and jumped on a few beds. Eventually, everyone came down the stairs, grumbling at the early hour and tsking with amazement that Ross and I were actually up and raring to go.

We proceeded to go into the living room, where the stockings were ever so carefully laid out. As you can see, Mrs. Claus has some super sexy stockings...

Inside my stocking it was like Xmas! Yes, you see usually what I get in my stockings at home is something I put in them, so there is no surprise. I'm the only one in my family who actually likes Xmas and therefore tries to keep the spirit going by stuffing the stockings myself. So instead of finding a chocolate bar that I had put in there, this time I got a whole heap of really cool stuff.

I got stickers that are just like those little retro pictures I post on my blog, plus Scottish stuff like a book on Robbie Burn's poems and a CD of similar songs, L'Occitane verbena wipes and a magnet (crucial for hanging pictures up on my fridge). It was like it was tailor made for me. Ross got socks, which made him happy since he's been wearing his landlord's socks for the last few months (erm, I really hope Don doesn't read my blog, Ross).

Then came time for PRESENTS!

We were off to an excellent start as I received an awesome pair of purple silk pajamas of which I promptly put on, and Ross got this beautiful suede jacket from Ben Sherman and Burberry (maybe) scarf, all from his parents.

This was very exciting for me, considering what I normally get from my own parents consists of this:

Ooooh, a broom and wow...
A flashlight. Thanks mom and dad!

Flash forward to the present and I am as happy as a pig in the shit, especially since the giving didn't stop there. His sisters (and their men) gave me heaps of books, silver earrings with amber stones, a Marks and Spencer soft pink scarf, a handcrafted leather purse from Lyon...even his grandparents gave me a shimmery, teal scarf. And I never even met them! I think the dog even gave me something (when he wasn't too busy munching on mandarin oranges...that dog eats everything!).

Everyone else was happy with their presents too, especially Cat's present to Jo...

...who recieved the raunchiest (and certainly gayest) calendar I have ever seen. It's of the French Rugby Team and oh la la...I spent hours flipping through that thing, as it generated a lot of laughs and some gasps (especially from their poor mum). You can watch a Youtube video of the making of the Dieux De Stade calendar here, but be warned, you won't like it if you don't like tight rubgy-playing buns and French shlongs...must be fun being in their scrum.

Ross's parents really liked their presents from us as well...I had gotten them Ice-Wine from BC and fancy cheese from Amsterdam, while Ross and his siblings chipped in on tickets to the Sydney Opera House (his parents left for an around the world trip just the other day). I think his mum teared up a bit.

Even the dog got a wee companion...

But of course, I can't forget what Ross and I gave to each other...

I had already gave Ross new Homer Simpson slippers back at home (he had been wearing my rejects for quite awhile, I think there was mold growing on them), and now gave him an H2O shaving kit, and a silver and doeskin bracelet I picked up in Mexico. Now this ain't cheap Mexico silver, if that's what you're thinking. Luckily, Ross was looking for some wristwear and loved it.

Just as I did his present. The minute I saw the box, I knew he had outdone himself...

Inside was a beautiful Swarovski crystal and 24K Gold necklace...

and from another angle (warning: no makeup...but note the pretty amber earrings from Jo)...

It was, and is, the nicest present I have ever recieved. He picked it out by himself too and did a wonderful job. For my bday he had given me a gold and silver bracelet and this also alternated between the metals. It goes with absolutely everything and totally lights up the room.

After that I was in Xmas bliss. We spent the rest of the day lounging around, watching Ricky Gervais Politics, A Lot Like Love and taking a wee nap. We were awokened out of it though by the smells of Xmas dinner and a champagne toast.

Followed by a scrumptious and elaborate Xmas meal fit for a King...and Queen.

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