Overrated: Friday
Underrated: Saturday
Overrated: Mustard
Underrated: Garlic Mayo
Overrated: Casual sex
Underrated: Vibrators
Overrated: Acting cool
Underrated: Affection
Overrated: Grey's Anatomy
Underrated: BBC's The Office
Overrated: Strappy stilletos
Underrated: Flat boots
Overrated: Fancy expensive martinis
Underrated: Ceasers
Overrated: Children
Underrated: Marriage
Overrated: Waxing
Underrated: Deplitories
Overrated: Cats
Underrated: Horses
Overrated: Playing the lottery
Underrated: Scratch and Win tickets
Overrated: Dan Brown
Underrated: Raymond Chandler
Overrated: Jessica Alba
Underrated: Audrey Tatou
Overrated: Waking up early
Underrated: Sleeping till noon
Overrated: Night clubs
Underrated: House parties
Overrated: Contiki Tours
Underrated: Traveling solo
Overrated: Fact
Underrated: Faith
Overrated: Being in a relationship
Underrated: Being single
Overrated: Trying to be strong
Underrated: Crying your eyes out
Overrated: Realism
Underrated: Hope
Overrated: Dane Cook
Underrated: Jimmy Fallon
Overrated: Swimming in a pool
Underrated: Swimming in the ocean
Overrated: Living with someone
Underrated: Living on your own
Overrated: Knowing what to do with your life
Underrated: Not having a clue
Overrated: Blogs
Underrated: Blogs