Procrastinators of the World Unite....tomorrow

Monday, November 6, 2006

Everyone has their weaknesses, their Achilles Heel, if you will.

Superman has Kryptonite, Foghorn has Leghorn (or visa versa) and Achilles has his...heel.

I have myself. Or to be more specific, I have procrastination.

I think it will be the death of me.

I have a million things to do, all of which I keep putting off in order to do something else. Such as stare at the wall for hours. And nap.

I could make a list of things that need to be done and post them here but I fear that list will just give me something else to do. I should know, I often make lists of all the things I should be doing, while really I could be using that time to actually do the things I should be doing.

But I digress...

I am procrastinator and I have been for as long as I can remember. Most of the time it works for me. For example, in University (or high school) I wouldn't do ANYTHING until the absolute last minute. Other people would be studying weeks ahead of time, then I would swoop in the night before, do a bit of frantic studying, and next day write the exam. Or hand in my project. Or whatever.

I guess I've never had a problem with my way of working because it does work. I'll get A's and B's and I'm happy with that. In fact, I have been worried about something so much that I did work on it ahead of time, and guess what? I didn't do so well! I think working under pressure gets the best work out of me, and if I can do just as well as everyone else by not caring and doing it at the last minute, why not?

Of course, there are sometimes when procrastination really hinders my life. Such as now. I have correspondance to do. I have planned it out so I will be done this bloody history course by December 1st, provided I stick to my schedule.

Am I sticking to the schedule? Well, it's 1:30 in the afternoon, my books are looking at me and I am blogging instead. Sigh.

What's worse is when procrastination interferes with things you really want to do. Again, I have a list of things I would like to accomplish (write another script, write a novel, write more freelance articles, etc) and am I doing it? No.

I think I need a kick in the pants. But to save you from having to do it, I'm gonna publish this damn post, shut-off my computer and hit the books.

PS Not everything has been done in vain. Check out my other blog (also in my links as Travel Sexy, Travel Smart). I've actually posted everyday on it so it will one day amount to something. Yay me!
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