I cracked the DaVinci, er, I mean, Sephora promo code

Sunday, November 5, 2006

Every Xmas I order something from Sephora because I am such a beauty junkie/whore and Sephora is my pimp. Or something like that.

Anyhoo, I order around Xmas because they always have these adorable gift sets and such AND if you enter in the promo code found at the back of the catalog, or usually found in the thick, perfumey pages of In Style, they send you this satchel full of deluxe samples for free. It's the best part of the Holidays, I swear.

Well, low and behold, my Sephora catalogs stopped coming to my house and it couldn't have happened at a worse time. I needed the code at the back of the catalog so I could get my free super cool gift.

Usually the code is one word, like "Goldrush" last year when there was a gold theme, or "Beachbabe" when the catalog's theme was, well, being a beach babe.

This year I went to the website and saw that my would-be catalog is all about circus beauty (or Circe de Beaute) and models done up in neon lycra with blue eyeliner running down their primed faces. Anyway, I spent a good half hour scouring the web and all those free coupon sites for the promo code, but none doing. I did find one promo code: 'JACKPOT', however you had to purchase $50 worth of Laura Mercier product to get the deluxe sample set and it was only open to US residents. Boo. You guys get everything!

Anyhoo, I took a stab at the promo code. I looked at the cover and thought, hmmm. Cirque de Beaute. Circus of Beauty (or whatever).

On a lark, I tried the word CIRQUE.


To make a long story short (too late), the code worked and I found I am adept at scamming my way into getting free stuff. I decided that this would make a very boring post indeed but then I figured, "Hey, nowhere else on the Web did I see the proper code, might as well post it here so everyone else can benefit from it."

And so there you are. A Sunday post and I get to help out other beauty junkies like myself.

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