Betting on Beta Blogger?

Thursday, November 9, 2006

I keep getting these little invitations to join Beta Blogger, as I'm sure all you other bloggers are getting too. Originally, it seemed like a new fad and a risk, but now they are promising that nothing else will change and instead you will find more options and other shiny new stuff.

But then in small print, it stipulates that once you go Beta you can never go back. That worries me. What if I hate it? What if it fucks up? What if I find it really annoying to use and long for the simple days of Normal Blogger, a medium in which I am finally starting to get the hang of.

Then a more terrifying thought entered my mind:

What the hell would I do, if one day, I woke up and my blog was gone? What if something goes wrong with Blogger, for whatever reason, and all of our blogs are erased? What if there is nothing left?

What would you do?

To me, my blog is like a giant, super-cool journal. It's a record of my life, of my thoughts, what I did, what I saw, plus a showcase for photographs and pictures. Not only that, but it's interactive which means that other people's thoughts and ideas are part of it as well. It's Organic, whole and all encompasing.

I couldn't think of anything worse than having it all go down the drain one day.
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