Back in Action

Monday, November 27, 2006

Sorta. Meaning, I am back and connected to the Internet. Wow. I can't believe it has been a week (almost) since my last post. But considering I have been on a boat, you can't blame me. Although, at one point while we rocking off the coast of Cabo, I was able to access the hotel across the bay's wireless. But that was a looong time ago...or so it seems.

Good God it is so hot. I am sitting in Nuevo Vallarta's wee Yacht Club sucking back a margarita I shouldn't be (I should be drinking water, damnit) and sweating buckets.

Ok, no, I don't want the snow that is apparently gracing the soggy city of Vancouver right now (Ha! Seriously though, I would rather snow than rain) but it is freakin like 35C (like 90 something for you Americans) and %100 humidity. Yuck, seriously.

Anyway, I have to back track a wee bit to almost a week ago and then, as the days go by, catch everyone up(and myself since I don't seem to know where I am or what day it is).

All right, so my American friend Jessie left on Monday (as did the Swedes) so it was a quiet last evening in the hotel before making it across the bay to the boat.

Below is a picture of my boat that Jesse took from the beach one day. Apparently, he took one of those waverunner/jetskis that eventually became my nemesis and went around the boat but no one was home. Probably on the shore looking for me. Or drinking tequila (He might have to consider going across the border to one of those Arizona alcohol rehab programs). Either one.

Anyhoo, my first official night over on the boat was the worst night EVER. There is, or was, a hurricane somewhere south and west of us, so the remnants of that was spewing towards us in the form of gigantic swells.

Now, if any of you even get remotely seasick, you would have been puking within minutes. These were HUGE swells coming in from the night, and sideways. Therefore, every couple of seconds or so you were thrown from the left and then the right. Back and forth, up and down. Oddly enough, you somewhat got used to the sounds of cupboards opening, frying pans flying out and becoming lethal weapons, books falling out, waves being washed on board and your whole world becoming slanted. Plus, whatever was going on in your insides. I don't know if it's good for your organs to get the benefits of a washing machine cycle but they do.

Anyway, next morning the waves calmed down a bit for us to go swimming.

Now, I would rather swim in the ocean than a pool. The ocean is always a bit more adventurous, while the pool is, well, boring. But the problem I have had with conquering the deep blue sea is the fact of SAND. Sand blows in your eyes, rides up your bum and in your suit (have you seen the waves here?) and leaves you with a sense of nitty gritty.

Not so when swimming off the boat. You get clear, warm water and refreshing waves that raise you up and down. The only real problem (as my poor mom found out) was being sucked under the boat as the waves came. But I managed to navigate that hurdle quite efficiently.

I have to say that despite the inconveniences of being offshore and the fact that the storm swells make sure you don't sleep a wink, nothing can be compared to swimming off the boat in water that is a tad* warmer than at home.

*OK well the warmest water at home that I have ever swam in was 17C, while in Cabo it's 25C.
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