Then I bought Advil from the makeshift pharmacy. I've taken three pills. I'm still in pain.
So, I think, what will make me feel better? CANDY! Despite being on a NO SUGAR diet (which doesn't mean no nookie), I had a relapse last night and went to 7/11 for Nerds and Bottle Caps. I ate some bottle caps last night before bed. Then I woke up at 5AM because of the darn cat and ate some more. Then I got up in the morning and ate the rest before I brushed my teeth. I got to work and polished off the rest of the Nerds.
NOW I WANT MORE SUGAR! RAAAAAAR! So, I get up to go to the vending machine and see all the chocolates of the world. I don't really want chocolate, I want teeth-rotting stuff, but I give in. I put in a dollar.
And the machine spits it out. Repeatedly.
I wonder if it was trying to tell me something?
On another note, I have found my costume. A basic black vinyl jumpsuit (+ a black leather corset I already own), a short, dark wig and blue contacts.
Soon, I will go from this: