Thursday, October 5, 2006

Though the two acronyms seem unrelated (though you know Samantha would be doing HNT right now...more likely FNT)they both raise interesting questions.

First let's discuss HNT. For the longest time, I had no idea what HNT stood for. Sure, I haven't been blogging for all that long, so I didn't know that there is a phenomenom on the Blogsphere called Half Nekkid Thursday, where bloggers (anonymous and not) will post pictures of themselves, half naked. Now I want to know...Do their bosses not mind them coming to work half-naked? Does HNT ever border on pornography? Where the hell did this whole day come from? And would I ever consider posting a picture of myself on my blog, half-nekkid?

Of course, I don't know the answers to any of these questions, except for the last one. That answer is no. As I am at work and wearing jeans and a t-shirt that says "More Cowbell" I don't think I could even remotely resemble anything sexy, let alone half-nekkid. Of course, if anyone does do this, I would like to know your reasons for it...and any answers to the above questions.


The second part of this post, is about SATC, or Sex in the City for those whose accronym (am I even spelling that right?) knowledge may need some help.

Mainly it is about SATC and it's effect on the male population. As we all know, most females watch SATC and swear on it like the Bible. Though it is a TV version of a single woman's life (ie, who the hell would spend $40K on shoes on a journalists salary? Who can wear a tutu in real life and look cute?), most of the show resonates with all women out there, single or not. Stuff happens on the show, to which you cry out "OMG that happened to me!" or, stuff may happen in your life to which you cry out "OMG just like Carrie on SATC!"

But as some women follow the show, relate to the characters and covet their choices in life, a lot of men don't give a rats arse about the show. In fact, a lot of men HATE the show.

To which I would like to ask, why? If you are a man (or you have a man) who hates SATC, why does it rub you the wrong way (is it because of the hunk below)? If you are a man (or you have a man) who loves the show (I know one or two), why do you like watching it? And if you are a man who doesn't like to admit he watches, fess up. We know who you are.

My contribution for HNT------------>
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