As summer winds down and seasons change into fall, I can't help but notice all the other changes that are going on. Ross shaved his head (and I actually think it's sexy), I'm job-hunting on the down-low (just to see if there are better opportunities out there...perhaps ones that would pay off my mortgage quicker)and my dad is leaving in 3 weeks to sail his boat down to Mexico (lucky bastard, gonna be cruising around the Sea of Cortez until April).

We had dinner last night at the yacht club which is always nice and my parents force-fed me wine. We talked about going sailing in the upcoming weeks, until I realized there weren't many upcoming weeks of summer left. And that the days are getting darker. Then I got that David Bowie song stuck in my head.

My embarassing parents
Well, atleast there are a few things to look forward to in the fall. Autumn is probably my favourite season (so as long as I ignore the fact that its turning into winter), it's a great excuse to get a new wardrobe, Halloween is coming, I've got a lot of tour-guiding to do (friends from Spain, Ross's family) AND I get to go to both The Who and the Rolling Stone concerts. I can't get no satisfaction. And now that song is stuck in my head.