We finally got one right

Monday, May 30, 2011

This was something like the 10th time I've tried to take the very first outfit photos for my blog. I'm mostly satisfied, which is more satisfied than I've been the other 9 times, so...ta da! Welcome to Gray Skies.

I'm seriously loving this (fake) fur coat. My mom bought it at an estate sale for $2.50, and gave it to me today when we went over there for an indoor Memorial Day picnic. Since we live in the land of gray skies (also known as Portland), indoor picnics are all we can manage sometimes. (Especially when it's 50 degrees at the end of May.)

I'm also really loving this bracelet I made. I just stuck a scarf through a belt buckle. The idea came to me when I was falling asleep last night. Apparently the last thoughts I have before drifting off at night are about fashion. I'm not sure whether this makes me really cool, really obsessed, or just really shallow.

Necklace: owned since 2nd grade
Coat: thrifted from an estate sale
Tee: Forever 21
Belt: Ann Taylor Loft
Skirt: gift from aunt
Bracelet: DIY with scarf and belt buckle
Shoes: Ann Taylor Loft

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