Fire in Your New Shoes

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

I've come down with some sort of flu, so to make myself feel better I thought I'd blog about my favorite topic: New Shoes.

I definitely went over my monthly clothing/shoe budget this month. While a "Monthly Money Check-Up" is actually on its way this month, I thought I'd take a little survey to find out whether a recent purchase is a yey, or a nay.

cardigan - Dynamite (2011); tank - Dynamite (2011); pants - Gap (2010);
clogs - Aldo "Markley" (2011)

Aldo "Markley"

So I realize that they're not 100% "my style" (if we can say i have a specific style...), but I'm so in love with the clog trend, and these are surprisingly easy to walk in...

What do we think?

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