A Solemn Goodbye

Monday, October 25, 2010

* sigh* Yes, I'm parting with my lovely Diors without having once worn them. That isn't to say it wasn't attempted though... they're just far too squishy on my toes. Perhaps I'll style them for a random photo shoot, but they definitely won't be worn to work anytime soon. I run back and forth to the photocopier far too often to endure that kind of pain. /cry.

On another note, I've kind of sort of been getting the hang of my wonderful new camera, and that makes me happy. In no way have I gotten my money's worth yet, but I'm working on it.
I've also been super good about shopping lately, and since I can't seem to find anything on my list I've refrained from buying any new items. I DID get my wonderful wool skirt from Etsy today though, so that will premiere soon enough... probably not tomorrow though. It's supposed to be 19'C... what IS with this weather? It can't seem to make up its mind!

cardigan - BCBG (2009)
dress - Smart Set (2010)
tights - Ardene (2010)
heels - Spring (2010)

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