Shared Rant

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Before I go on to my quite boring photos, I thought I would bring to your attention this post from V of Grit & Glamour. (If you don't already follow, you should. Her writing style is amazing, and she's a wealth of information!) It definitely hit the nail on the head (I think) about most "fashion community" sites being nothign more than a popularity contest. Yes, I'm guilty of posting to weardrobe occasionally because I figured it would boost my reader-base and my ego. Sadly, neither of the two have really happened. And it always bothers me how I will see someone with a LOT of likes on the "recent" posts page, but the SAME PEOPLE always make it to their "featured" page. Not cool... I mean, whats the point in voting then?
Anyhoo, sorry for the rant, but definitely go check it out.

scarf - Suzy Shier (2009)
cardigan - Jacob (2006)
tee - Aeropostale (2010)
pants - Gap (2010)
socks - Ardene (2010)
boots - Steve Madden (2007)

The weather has been SO gloomy lately that outdoor shots just aren't happening... and whats that on my face you might ask? Why, a gigantic stress pimple that I insisted on picking. Yes, I'm a picker. There's just something so necessary about popping gross looking pimples or picking crusty scabs.
So now that I've thoroughly disgusted you, I'll leave you with that as your image of me. haha.

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