A fine day for a swim

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

A fine day for a swim
I've just returned from my European road trip so that means I'll be bombarding you with photos for the next few weeks. These snaps are from Italy where we rented a villa near Venice for a week. Luckily it had a pool because the area was suffering from a heatwave and the temperature peaked at 35°C. So I took to the water at least once every day, spending the rest of my time lounging by the poolside. On one day I decided to take some pool photos, and here they are. Wearing my swimsuit which mimics the waves of the water, I blend right in.

It's been weighing on my mind for some time, so I just wanted to share a few words about body policing. After discovering some comments made about me on ask.fm (here and here, that linked directly to my blog and showed up in analytics), I was upset and a little put off. Yes, sometimes I don't shave and no, I don't care what anyone thinks of it. However it upsets me when people are so closed minded that they are willing to spread my blog and declare my hair disgusting just to confirm their own prejudice that I'm not conforming to their strict appearance norms. But that's all I'll say, because shaving is possibly the most dull topic imaginable and I don't have the patience. No hard feelings though.
swimsuit//Kling, gift

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