Short walks and circle skirts

Monday, May 20, 2013

Yet another set of photos taken during the surprising warm spell that brought sunshine to these dark lands. Another day spent sitting in the park, just soaking up the rays, buying into the story that sunlight and fresh air will cure any malady and soothe any aches. If only the sun worked that way, I would move to the Caribbean and live a happy, healthy life on some tropical beach drinking lime and coconut. Or I might grown some fins and go live under the sea as a mermaid, that would be ideal if it weren't for my sensitive eyes irritated by even fresh water, let alone salt. Ah, I've gone off on another tangent, back to the point - it was sunny.

My hair is no longer as pink as in these photos, in fact it's much lighter and I intend to dye it a mouthwatering shade of candy floss tomorrow. Have no fear however, for I have the dark pink shade on hand if I regret my decision in any way. I may post about my hair journey at some paint, I do have many photos of the intermediate stages. They're not pretty but might give hope to those aspiring to new pink-haired heights!

As for the blog, I'm working on putting together a bit of an ethical retailers directory page. I used to think ethical brands were far and few between but recently I've come across so many new websites that it would be a shame not to share with everyone. Until then, dream of pretty frocks, much as I will do tonight!
dress//c/o Lovestruck    ring//People Tree    shoes and bees//Asos    bag//thrifted    arrow bracelet//Delilah Dust

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