The G-star Raw show

Thursday, February 21, 2013

After experiencing a few fashion weeks, you really learn to appreciate the shows that aren’t taking place during the busy official schedule of London, NY Paris and Milan. Me and Janne flew to Berlin last month, sadly we did not have time to take part in the other shows on the schedule this time but we did have a chance to see a G-star show with guitar solos, poetry and a ballet performance, followed by a crazy good after-party that I left for an hour just to chance - that good.
The collection with a strong military vibe showed that you can and should wear head to toe denim every now and then, without the Britney & Justin fear. Well, I don’t think the night’s head guest - Michael Madsen ever had that fear, especially when he walked on stage with knifes and axes strapped to his jacket. Mr. Madsen, who forever will remain Bill’s brother to me, then read a poem from his book before he ever so gruesomely scream in to the microphone something that could only be understood as RAW.

Let’s not forget this was Janne’s first fashion show, an almost freakishly perfect first experience with the performance of rising star, Anne Soldaat, who beautifully played his Gibson throughout the show. The guitar obsessed was pretty ecstatic about it all and I of course lied that most shows are usually like this... I on the other hand had all eyes on the collection and must admit I’m quite impressed of the lengths G-star managed to stretch the different possibilities of denim. In other words I think the ballerina covered in power stretch denim and the lesson in denim layering speak for themselves.

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