After outlining the specifics of my skin care regimen, it feels natural to keep the conversation going with make-up. Much like skin care, I'm a product whore and have tried a ton of different products. my biggest concerns for make-up include dark under eye circles, uneven skin tone, and oiliness. Through trial and error, I have found that these products (and application method) work the best for those issues. I'll be addressing only face make-up in this post, but stay tuned, because my eye make-up routine is up next!
Smashbox Photo Finish Foundation Primer Light
It's no secret how effective this line of primers is. They have so many different types for different concerns, such as color correcting, mattifying, luminizing, and hydrating. Although some individuals are starkly against silicone primers (even though they don't clog your pores), I find that nothing works better or is more necessary for foundation (powder or liquid). It's like a Swiffer for your make-up and will snatch it right off your brush and make it stay despite daily tribulations.
It's no secret how effective this line of primers is. They have so many different types for different concerns, such as color correcting, mattifying, luminizing, and hydrating. Although some individuals are starkly against silicone primers (even though they don't clog your pores), I find that nothing works better or is more necessary for foundation (powder or liquid). It's like a Swiffer for your make-up and will snatch it right off your brush and make it stay despite daily tribulations.
Almost every time I run out of foundation, I try the newest one that the Sephora saleswoman tells me too. I've loved Make Up For Ever, Lancome, Bare Minerals, and Urban Decay, but nothing has impressed me like the coverage, softness, and durability of this one. When I first switched to it, my fiancé immediately commented on how flawless my skin looked. Definitely a keeper.
Urban Decay Good Karman Optical Blurring Brush
There are many ways to apply liquid foundation, and after using a typical "foundation" brush, I found that the make-up didn't look blended. It seems counter-intuitive to use a powder looking brush will lots of natural bristles for a liquid; however, buffing it on to the skin produces a much more natural look. Plus, it feels so nice to apply!
Eco Tools Bamboo Powder Brush
When it comes to any of my powders - bronzer, blush, and setting powder - I use this brush. It's cheap, but incredibly effective at transferring to the face and not just shifting down the shaft, thereby needing to use more precious product and no one wants that.
Lancome Star Bronzer Natural Glow
During college, I applied a bronzer on cheeks and called it a day. My, how the times have changed! Now, I put it all over (strategically, of course), on my temples, bridge of my nose, tip of my chin, and hollows of my cheeks. I prefer a matte color of bronze so as not to appear sparkly, especially in photos.
Urban Decay Good Karman Optical Blurring Brush
There are many ways to apply liquid foundation, and after using a typical "foundation" brush, I found that the make-up didn't look blended. It seems counter-intuitive to use a powder looking brush will lots of natural bristles for a liquid; however, buffing it on to the skin produces a much more natural look. Plus, it feels so nice to apply!
Eco Tools Bamboo Powder Brush
When it comes to any of my powders - bronzer, blush, and setting powder - I use this brush. It's cheap, but incredibly effective at transferring to the face and not just shifting down the shaft, thereby needing to use more precious product and no one wants that.
Lancome Star Bronzer Natural Glow
During college, I applied a bronzer on cheeks and called it a day. My, how the times have changed! Now, I put it all over (strategically, of course), on my temples, bridge of my nose, tip of my chin, and hollows of my cheeks. I prefer a matte color of bronze so as not to appear sparkly, especially in photos.
Smashbox Blush Rush in Radiance
This color makes me so happy, as do the results. Yes, it is a bright blush. Yes, I only use a little on only the apples of my cheeks. It brightens up my face with the nicest and most flattering flush, like a ran in the winter or pinched my cheeks for color. It's a nice addition to the bronzer.
This color makes me so happy, as do the results. Yes, it is a bright blush. Yes, I only use a little on only the apples of my cheeks. It brightens up my face with the nicest and most flattering flush, like a ran in the winter or pinched my cheeks for color. It's a nice addition to the bronzer.
Clinique Even Better Concealer
I do not suffer from dark under-eye circles (thank heavens), but I do need coverage and brightness where my face creates shadows. A big concern of mine is darkness under my eyes resulting from long eyelashes (boo hoo, right?). This product is creamy, not cakey, and lasts and lasts. To apply, I use my ring finger, it's much more gentle this way, rather than prodding this tender area with harsh bristles. However, this alone is not responsible for keeping the run off from my mascara away, it's necessary to use a powder to set everything.
Make Up For Ever HD Microfinish Powder

Lifesaver. Pure and simple. While it may appear white, I promise you it is as translucent as lucite and provides an airbrush finish. Applying this powder is like when you go to get a manicure/pedicure and slathering your almost dry nails with a cuticle oil, so that if you brush against something, the oil moves and not your polish. There's no better way to ensure your expertly applied foundation, concealer, bronzer, and blush stays put!
Make Up For Ever HD Microfinish Powder

Lifesaver. Pure and simple. While it may appear white, I promise you it is as translucent as lucite and provides an airbrush finish. Applying this powder is like when you go to get a manicure/pedicure and slathering your almost dry nails with a cuticle oil, so that if you brush against something, the oil moves and not your polish. There's no better way to ensure your expertly applied foundation, concealer, bronzer, and blush stays put!