Yesterday was our second annual costume party! (See last year's photos here.) It was super rainy out, but nearly everyone was willing to go up to the roof and take some photos anyway.
I was Katy Perry (in case the pink hair and cube hat didn't make it obvious)...
Josh was inspired by Arrested Development...
My niece Emily was Kaylee from Firefly (check out the awesome sandals)...
My niece Maggie was a lazy, chain smoking housewife (with "cigarettes" that she made herself out of paper!)...
Okay, I'll be honest, I'm not sure what my sister-in-law Lizzie was supposed to be, but she was adorable...
My sister-in-law Joanna was a character from The Sims (because it was the only thing she could think of to make the night before the party)...
My niece Mary was the Tooth Fairy (check out the tooth earrings)...
And my mother-in-law Molly decided to be sensible and dress as a nurse, and we were all immensely jealous of how comfortable she was by the end of the night...
Josh's dad came wearing his normal clothes, with a post-it note stuck to his shirt that said "crotchety old fart," which eventually fell off onto the floor and was eaten by Onyx. We didn't mind too much - it's hard to be mad at such an adorable dog who likes to fall asleep on top of warm laundry...