Musings on appearances

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Wearing this maxi skirt was like wearing pajamas - it's soft and wonderfully stretchy. Over the past few weeks, due to a knee that gives out on me whenever I exercise and some medications that have left me bloated, I've packed on a few pounds in my belly, so I've been trying to wear clothes that make my midsection feel comfortable. And I have to admit, I've felt a little self-conscious about it. You can't really see any extra weight in my outfit photos from the past few weeks, but in person I look like I'm a few months pregnant. And I know it's pure vanity that it bugs me. I mean, who cares if I packed on a few pounds? And would it even matter if I had gained twenty pounds instead of five? No it would not, because my appearance really does not alter who I am inside - and that's the important part, right?

Yellow tank top: Gap
Black skirt: TJ Maxx
Black flats: Kathy flats from ShoeMint
Spider necklace: Bauble Bar
Yellow sash: came with a vintage dress
Hex nut bracelet: made by me

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