Last of the English roses

Thursday, July 26, 2012

I should have posted this a while back, but I've been lazy lately, that and travelling back home to my parents.  Excuses, excuses and with no particular intended outcome. Next week I leave for New Zealand and in the mean time I'm sewing like a mad person because I won't get to see my sewing machine again for a month! I've got so many things I'd love to make, but so little time. I really wish I could magically transport my machine back to London so that I could sew to relieve stress while studying, that would be nice.

So these shoes are the real reason for posting. I've been rather obsessed with daisies ever since the most beautiful daisy-like flowering bush came into bloom around the corner from my flat, several months ago. This brings my flower obsession to sunflowers, poppies and daisies. Once I spotted these shoes I knew I had to have them, so here they are. I've had to leave them behind in London because of limited packing space but I look forward to wearing them again before the weather cools too much.

Also, lets talk about this beautiful broderie anglaise Chloé top, isn't it wonderful? A co-worker at oxfam found it and it was horribly stained in the armpits and around the neckline so I put it in a tub of vanish for a couple of hours and voilà, lovely clean white top. To top it off, it was less then £3! Since I took these photos I've taken several more and I'll have them lined up soon, along with a (not so) special project for next month, but that'll have to wait until next time.

shoes//Oasap    flower headband//handmade    top//thrifted Chloé    skirt//thrifted Principles

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