It's late in the day

Friday, February 24, 2012

Hello everyone, meet my new rug. Found it on an off chance at a local charity shop for only 2 pounds! It has fun rainbow colours and a cool geometric pattern in the centre. It did need a little airing and it has a few patches that appear to be balding but it's worth it!

I spent all afternoon sitting on the rug and reading Tim Walker's Pictures. It was warm enough not to have to wear tights and I took full advantage of this fact, it felt like spring was here. Alas, spring is still some time away, but I do look forward to bare legs and flowy dresses, and not having to wear a massive coat over every outfit.

Wearing: Thrifted cardigan, shirt and shoes, H&M shorts, antique necklace, and Asos sunglasses.
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