Around the world

Thursday, February 23, 2012

This outfit is courtesy of my international travels. The vintage dress is from a flea market in Oxford, England. I lived there for a few months during college, doing a study abroad program, and every week I would walk down to the flea market in Gloucester Square. There was always a vintage clothing booth there, and I purchased quite a few pieces during my stay.

I found the blue coat (in the bottom photo) at a department store in Zhengzhou, China. I lived there for seven months teaching English, and wasn't prepared for how bitterly cold wintertime was, so I needed to buy a warmer coat. Even though I lived in a large city, foreigners and the English language were a rare commodity, so the department store had no English signs, none of the employees spoke English, and everyone stopped and stared at me the entire time I was trying on coats. I will freely admit that one of the main reasons I moved back to America was because I was tired of feeling like an animal in a zoo.

Blue coat: purchased in China
Yellow dress: vintage, from a flea market in Oxford, England
Blue boots: Steve Madden Carnaby heels from Zappos
Sunglasses: Oscar de la Renta from TJ Maxx
Earrings: gift from my aunt
Black belt: thrifted
Yellow ring: ScanFair
Black tights: American Apparel

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