Right out of a Tim Burton film

Monday, December 19, 2011

You may have read that title and thought, "She doesn't look like she's right out of a Tim Burton film." And I would agree with you. But my brother wouldn't. He took one look at this outfit at my family's Christmas party on Saturday, snorted with derision, and said, "What are you wearing? You look like you're right out of a Tim Burton film." And while I would agree that polka dot tights, dominatrix boots, and a top knot are not the pinnacle of classy and reasonable dressing, I would argue that they are much more fun than my other options (black tights, sensible flats, simple braid).

And yes, my eyes are closed in that top photo. It was bright and I forgot my sunglasses, so you get an eyes closed photo instead of a squinting photo.

Sweater: Anthropologie
Skirt and bracelets: H&M
Tights: Asos
Boots: Lulu's
Purse: thrifted from Salvation Army
Earrings: Purchased in China
Pin: free from aunt

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