From The Engaging Brand: Marie Curie on Living a Successful Life
Marie Curie was a remarkable woman and is highlighted in Success magazine this month.
I was struck by some of her quotes:
* "Nothing in life is to be feared; it is only to be understood"
* "First prinicple: never let oneself be beaten down by persons or events"
* "Life is not easy for any of us...we must believe that we are gifted for something and that this thing must be attained"
* "I was taught that the way of progress was neither swift nor easy"
In modern life it is easy to fall into the thinking of "its alright for you" or " they don't understand me".
Social media has fueled the perception that success can be created overnight, but you know success can come overnight but more likely it is the result of persistance and resilience over time. Times are hard for many at the moment but remember
Our success is in our hands. Our success depends mostly on how much we want it.
Our success will come after many trials, tribulations and financial struggles...but then we will be able to appreciate it more that way!
I will leave the final world with Marie Curie - how many of us can say this?
"In spite of everything I came through it all honestly with my head high"