The long road begins and ends with you

Monday, August 1, 2011

So I finally dragged my lazy butt out of the house to get photos of the sunflowers! They were all facing the wrong way so I was shooting from within the field. It was very lovely there, a good spot for reading a book. I also found something that made the whole walk worth it, but I'm keeping that a secret until I can get decent photos, but first I have to find some bleach!

My mum bought me this dress at a charity shop, she was buying furniture and I got this from their clothing section. I saw someone leave with the most adorable dress that I wish I'd found. Can't have everything I guess.

I've loaded my mum's old agfa clack with some nice new film and I'm hoping I can get some nice photos of life in France. So far I've managed to double expose two of three photos, just because I have skills.

Dress: thifted; Belt: thifted; Sunglasses: Asos; Camera: My mum's.
(Also posted here)
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